Myanmar Info-Tech Root CA


Myanmar has established a National Root CA (NRCA) to be the center of trust for Myanmar especially for the e-Government and e-Commerce development.

Therefore, this workshop can be considered as an important step in promoting the recognition on digital signature between ASEAN member states. Also, it will be a good starting point for gathering PKI-related information, knowledge sharing from successful PKI experts as well as brainstorming the issues related to the CA-CA Interoperability in each country.

The gathering information is crucial for determining the guideline for CA-CA Interoperability between CA providers in ASEAN with efficiency and effectiveness.

In this workshop conference, invited foreign-expert speakers and member country shared knowledges and experiences about successful trust models, including presentation from ASEAN delegates to share knowledge and experiences on the development of internet security and PKI technology in their countries.

The meeting had agreed to create the recognition on digital signature in ASEAN, as well as the establishment of task force, consisting of representatives from each member states, to consider the issues such as legal recognition on foreign digital signature, and recognition criteria and technical interoperability model.
